Archive for Contest

Amber Rose’s Twitter Background…

Posted in Entertainment, Fashion with tags , , on September 20, 2009 by thefakeindustry

Amber Rose

Amber Rose showed appreciation to her fans by throwing a Twitter background contest.

Apparently, not everyone agreed with the chosen winners. Here is @darealamberrose response via Twitter.

“I Picked these girls cuz they look super cool and fun to hang with! I dig there style!”

Then she went on to say: “Man, I hate superficial ppl! U can be dope and have style with hardly any money. Either u got style or u don’t. I grew up very poor in South Philly and wore hand me down clothes from my older cousin my mom couldn’t afford nice clothes for me. So I love when I see hoodfab style! I been Hoodfab my whole life. U can move on with ur life but never forget where u come from. Forreal.”

I respect Amber for keeping it real with the fans. We need to let these kids know that they can look and feel good about themselves without imitating celebrities.